Introducing the Australian Morris 850 Register
A comprehensive register for Australia’s first Mini is live and ready to receive submissions.
OCTOBER 10, 2024

The Australian Morris 850 Register has been officially launched, with the register now publicly accessible and open for receiving information about new cars.
More than 10 years in the making, the register serves to record the details of as many Australian-assembled Morris 850s as possible.

Information on the register
Details of any Morris 850 are invited to the register, whether the car is currently on the road, undergoing restoration, only suitable for parts, or scrapped many years ago.
Critical for the register are the details from a car’s original identification plate or delivery paperwork, however many more details are captured where possible to form a history of each vehicle.
Photos, sale history, and records of registration plates are all captured in individual profiles for each car where the information is available.

Use of the register
The register and profile pages are all publicly accessible via eight-fifty.com, ensuring that the Australian Morris 850 Register can be established as a valuable resource for the entire Mini community.
Even prior to the official launch, information from the register has been used to reunite cars with their original delivery paperwork and connect owners with photos of cars prior to their ownership.
As the register grows, the opportunities for further connections will broaden even more. The first goal is to reach 602 cars, which will represent 1% of total Australian Morris 850 production of 60,188 cars.
Adding car details
Anyone may submit details to the register, whether they own, have previously owned, or otherwise encountered a Morris 850.
Detailed information on how to submit or update a car on the register is provided at Make a submission.
Explore the register
The register is now publicly accessible, provided as a summary table as well as a gallery of profiles for cars where these are available.
See About the register to start exploring.
History of the register
The basis of the Australian Morris 850 Register was developed in September 2011, starting with a handwritten log of cars with numbers grouped by thousands.
In late 2013 a digital database was developed, and the log was translated across. At this time there were less than 100 cars on the register. While many updates and enhancements have been made since, the database still forms the foundation of the Australian Morris 850 Register a decade later.
At the time of public launch, the register had grown to having 450 cars formally recorded.

The Australian Morris 850 Register is presented in a new format not previously seen in the Australian Mini community. There is always room for improvement, and the register format remains under constant review and updates. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know.